
VILLAR®'s practice in this area has consisted in advising, from the point of view of risk and contingency prevention, the most complex and delicate commercial and business transactions of its clients, deriving from real estate, corporate, financial, contractual, debt (foreclosures, commercial executives, etc.), insurance and bonds, among others, which allows them to design and implement customized and sophisticated strategies for the attention of their most challenging litigation before State and Federal Courts throughout the Mexican Republic.

In a preventive manner, VILLAR® offers advice to its clients in different approaches to avoid litigation. Therefore, in addition to the services traditionally provided by the commercial litigation area, the Firm offers its clients a strategy of Dispute Prevention and Resolution, giving priority to prevention methods, some of which are mentioned below, and to dispute resolution, with a much broader scheme that does not only involve the judicial process. Based on the above, commercial litigation will be the last resort, prioritizing the following services:

  • Advice in commercial and business operations, as well as in the interpretation, termination and compliance of commercial contracts.
  • Advice and representation in conflicts between shareholders, corporate groups and controversies in trusts.
  • Design of Contentious-Preventive Legal Audits, which have as main objectives: i) the review of contracts and agreements to detect potential risks of present or future controversies; ii) the review of the forms in which the company documents its securities and credit operations; iii) the review of current litigation with its clients in order to issue an objective opinion as to the manner in which these have been conducted and the expectations of the ruling in order to be able to suggest the best way to negotiate or conclude the processes in a more effective manner for the client; and iv) the review of activities and/or factual situations that could lead to a dispute to the detriment of the client, in order to recommend the best way to deal with the contingency; among others.
  • The bankruptcy process is a tool for individuals and companies to face an economic contingency, either to negotiate with their creditors the payment of debts in better conditions or to conclude the process with the sale of the company's assets in an orderly and legal manner. The Firm considers important to promote the knowledge of this process among its clients as a business ally for the company in times of crisis.
  • Alternative Means of Dispute Resolution (ADR) provided by Mexican law to choose the best option to resolve a dispute.
  • Judicial or extrajudicial procedures for the enforcement of guarantees, securities and credit operations, as well as for contractual breaches, including the international purchase and sale of goods and public and private works.

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